Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

JRD Tata – a leader with a compassionate heart. Apart from founding many industries under the auspices of Tata Sons, he was successful in allowing his workers to have a greater say in how the company was run. A true hero of independent India.

Here are some quotes from this astonishing businessman who did business with a heart. We are proud of you SIR.



To be a leader, you have got to lead human beings with affection.

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

Uncommon thinkers reuse what common thinkers refuse.

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

If you want excellence, you must aim for perfection.

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

Never start with diffidence, always start with confidence..

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

Money is like manure. It stinks when you pile it, it grows when you spread it..

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without deep thought and hard work..

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata

When you work, work as if everything depends on you. When you pray, pray as if everything depends on God.

Motivational Quotes From JRD Tata